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Cultivating a healthy relationship to your inner masculine means exploring your relationship to healthy sexuality, competition, power and the physical body and realm. Our society is riddled with connotations for men and this reflects in our inner masculine as well as how we relate to men. What does it mean to be a man? Do men want sex and women love? As a culture do we love women but respect men? Can you have passion for another without fixation and it’s consequences of neediness, which inevitably repels and brings ruin?

Men, Sex & Love

  • ♦ Daily exercises interspersed with integration days, allowing you to rest, integrate and catch-up so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

    – Explorations into a number of principles including humility, honesty, authenticity, compassion, relationships (with self and others), intimacy, sensuality.

    – Illuminate and cultivate a passionate relationship to you… and to you living fully. – Exercises to invite you looking inward and exploring yourself, all of which can be done multiple times to discover more within yourself.

  • Once payment is received, you will get a seperate username and password for exclusive access to this audio workshop

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